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+1 (416) 893-6904

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Bukanga Bukendi village , Bukanga Subcounty , Luuka Distric

About Us

Suubi vulnerable children and women organization

Suubi vulnerable children and women organization is a CBO founded by Babirye Phiona Lilian in 2018 with the vision of educating and supporting vulnerable children and women.
We started suubi vulnerable children and women organization to support the children and women , improve their livelihood and also acquire formal education. So far we have 500 children under our care.

More than a home, suubi vulnerable children and women organization strives to prepare vulnerable children, youth and women to be self-sufficient through supporting their formal education and vocational as a means of economic empowerment. we have decided to set a community development Centre where we design trainings and empowerment opportunities for the community members while providing focal point for community interaction and development. We also support Children who have got little or no chance of formal education and also bring together abused and mistreated widows in Uganda to fight for their rights. We seek to amplify the voices of these less advantaged people to ensure that their rights are known through talent modeling, economic empowerment, rehabilitation programs and education.

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suubi vulnerable children & women

Improve their livelihood and also acquire formal education. So far we have 500 children under our care.


children under our care.

suubi vulnerable children and women organization strives to prepare vulnerable children

uubi vulnerable children and women organization

We started suubi vulnerable children and women organization to support the children and women , improve their livelihood and also acquire formal education. So far we have 500 children under our care.

Program Objective

The overall objective of the program is to develop the potential of Children and women to be menstrual health champions, community leaders, and social entrepreneurs

Program expected outcomes:

● Improved Menstrual Health Hygiene Management practices among 120 girls of menstruating age in Primary schools and 180 community leaders in communities.

● Improved entrepreneurial skills and livelihood among 300 pupils and community leaders.

Introduction to the Program

● Improved access to and use of SRHR information and services among out of 180 school girls and women.

The program’s Expected Outputs are: In school

  • ●  120 Pupils selected and trained on MHM per partner school (70%Female:30%Male)

  • ●  9 Senior teachers(Senior woman & man and headteacher Or Deputy) trained on MHM

    per partner school.

  • ●  Number of sensitization activities conducted by Suubi clubs within the school

  • ●  Suubi clubs established.

  • ●  Number of IEC materials purchased and distributed.

  • ●  Number of reusable sanitary pads made.

  • ●  Number of school enterprises launched.

  • ●  Number of school enterprises financed.

  • ●  The amount generated by the school enterprises.

  • ●  Number of pupils applying business skills in their learning.

  • ●  Number of pupils starting their enterprises while still at school

  • ●  Number of pupils supported by the school’s enterprise.

    Out of school

  • ●  Number of child abuse cases reduced

  • ●  Number of CPCs trained and supported to execute their duties.

  • ●  Number of community members sensitized on child protection and Teenage


  • ●  Number of male and female participants trained in social enterprise development and


  • ●  Number of VSLAs established and registered in the communities

  • ●  Number of VSLA groups and entrepreneurs supported with finances to launch their

    social ventures

  • ●  The number of VSLA groups and entrepreneurs supported with finances to launch their

    social ventures.

    Program Activities

    The program will involve a range of activities, including;

    In school ( we are envisioning to carry out the following activities)

  • ●  School Menstrual Hygiene Management: With the guidance of the Senior wo(man) teacher, ambassadors will engage in the sessions of Menstrual Hygiene Management, Teenage pregnancy awareness and prevention.

  • ●  School entrepreneurship skill training: To enhance the MHM training, the 3 schools will also be empowered with pupil-centered entrepreneurship skill training. The sessions will include but not limited to business ideation, market research, record keeping among others.

  • ●  Creation of school’s Suubi clubs: The school ambassadors will establish the Suubi clubs in school where pupils will learn menstrual health and hygiene management, Entrepreneurship skills, self esteem and self confidence building among the pupils . This will be carried out in an exciting and fun way which will enable the pupils from the skills gained from the club to translate into income generation and improved menstrual Hygiene management within the pupils in school in their day to day life.

    The community

  • ●  Community SRHR and social Enterprise Development training: We intend to conduct training in the community. In the community, 6 groups of 30 members each will be formed in the form of Village Saving & Loan Association. The uniqueness of our curriculum is that it will incorporate both the entrepreneurial aspect and SRHR content. This will enable our participants to gain knowledge and skills in the areas of sexual reproductive health and rights and develop the ability to start and manage social enterprises. The participants will also be taken through sessions in growth mindsets, financial literacy, and reusable sanitary pads making among others.

  • ●  Establishment and registration of Village Saving and Loan Association(VSLA): 6 VSLA groups will be established and registered with the office of the Community Development Officer at the sub-county level. The registered VSLAs shall constitute 30 members per group.

  • ●  Financing: Registered VSLA groups will be assessed and supported with materials like saving passbooks and the establishment of digital savings accounts with relevant FinTech Startup companies. Revolving funding shall be made through the VSLA groups where members can access the finances according to their set criteria in the VSLA constitution and launch their social enterprise ideas.

  • ●  Mentorship ( Community of Practice establishment): Throughout the program year, we will track our community changemakers and the impact they create within their communities. These communities of practice will be an informative and educative point to support the cohort of 2024 and beyond.

  • ●  Monitoring and Evaluation: A baseline, midline, and end-line survey is conducted in the community and 3 partner schools before the program implementation to get an information base against which to monitor and assess the activity’s progress and effectiveness during implementation and after 1 year of program

implementation. To ensure the participation of key stakeholders, joint monitoring will be conducted together with the district leaders on a quarterly basis.

These activities will be delivered through workshops & training sessions, peer-to-peer mentorship, joint monitoring visits, club establishments, and the annual PTA general meeting to create awareness.

We have also identified a number of key stakeholders who will be involved in delivering the program, including the office of the probation, District Education Office, Health office, office of the CDO.

Program Benefits

Through the program, we aim to empower schools, pupils, and community leaders with the necessary skills to help them succeed in life.


We are confident that the program will bring valuable advantages to the chosen schools and their students, specifically by promoting dignified menstrual hygiene management for learners of menstruating age. This, in turn, will lead to a decrease in school absenteeism and dropouts, due to the knowledge and skills acquired in creating reusable sanitary pads. We also envision the establishment of social ventures through the School Entrepreneurship Skills training, which will serve as a sustainable approach to addressing menstrual hygiene management.

In community;

The program will register a reduction in the level of GBV in the parish of Namukubembe easy access to revolving loans for their businesses, realizing their full potential in SRHR, program participants having access to l

We are confident that the program will be a success and will positively impact the Namukubembe community.